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Organic Purple Bamboo Black

brewing-information Description

Organic Purple Bamboo Black Tea - From the first sip, the sweet floral character of this tea is engaging and inviting. The initial overall impression is reminiscent of a fresh bouquet of orchard trees and sweet berries. When brewed, the loose-leaf bamboo tea is a light - medium amber, with medium body.

The purple coloring of the leaves is attributable to anthocyanin, a type of flavonoid with antioxidant effects that exist in nature. This pigment yields hues from red to purple and is responsible for the color of blueberries and currants. For many years tea leaves naturally tinged with violet were tossed together with other plucked leaves for Pu-erh production. The interest in dedicating solo production and processing of this leaf is a recent development. Our Organic Purple Bamboo Black tea is one such example, produced exclusively from purplish leaves.

brewing-information  Brewing Information

Brewing Tips: Organic Purple Bamboo Black tea should be made with cold, filtered water that has been brought to a rolling boil (205-212 ℉). Using one rounded teaspoon of loose leaf tea or one teabag for each cup required, pour the boiling water over the tea leaves. Organic Purple Bamboo Black tea should be steeped for 4-5 minutes. Once the ideal brewing time has been reached, the leaves should be removed to prevent further steeping. Decant and enjoy!

How Much Tea Do I Need?

1 pound of loose leaf tea will make approximately 160 cups of brewed tea

4 ounces of loose leaf tea will make approximately 40 cups of brewed tea

Organic Purple Bamboo Black
Organic Purple Bamboo Black
Organic Purple Bamboo Black

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